Terms and Conditions

Booking Acknowledgements

When booking an appointment with Bloom and Bones Studio, the following booking policies apply:

+ You must be 18 or over with a valid government ID to undergo any tattoo service.

+ A $40 draw-up fee will be added for custom art that takes more than 30 minutes to design.

+ An $100* non-refundable deposit is required for all services (except Consultations) at the time of booking. This fee will be applied to your service. (*plus tax & cc fees)

+ Deposits may be transferred *ONE* time to reschedule your appointment and you must choose your new appointment at the time of rescheduling or you forfeit your deposit.

+ 72 hours notice must be given before your appointment if you choose to either cancel or reschedule your appointment.

+ If 72 hours notice is not given and you CANCEL you will forfeit your deposit and your credit card will be charged 50% of the cost of the service.

+ If you no call/no show, you will be prevented from booking future appointments.

+ If you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, your credit card will be charged 90% of the service.

+ If no notice is given and you do not show up for your appointment (no call/no show), your credit card will be charged for 90% of the service.

+ If you do not read the Prep conditions before booking, and your service has to be canceled/rescheduled due to skin/medical concerns, you will be charged an additional $50 cancellation fee.

+ If you arrive more than 15 minutes late and do not reach out before your appointment, your appointment will be rescheduled and you will be charged a $50 rebooking fee.

+ Guests are permitted but limited to one per client. Minors are allowed only in the lounge area and an additional parent or guardian who is not getting a tattoo must be present and supervising the minor at all times. They can be a distraction to both myself and my client while tattooing. So please supervise your children or I’ll no longer be able to allow children in the studio.

+ Touch-ups must be scheduled within 6 months - 1 year of your initial service. Touch-ups scheduled outside of this timeframe will be charged in accordance with Bloom and Bones Studio’s price schedule.

+ Bloom and Bones Studio reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.